Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Well I am now reporting to Richardson for work. YUCK! It is a crazy long drive, I've only done it for two days & it's pretty rough. Sadie & I crashed out at 7:30p last night & slept until 5:30a!!! And then the craziest thing happened to me, I had booked it to work with the girl I am carpooling with & looked down, my gas gage said 5 miles to EMPTY!! WHAT!!?!? So we went to THREE gas stations & no one in Richardson had diesel, then it happened....I pretty much ran out of gas ironically at a GAS STATION!! LOL So roadside assistance came to give us fuel, now the funny thing is I sat in my car while it idling for THIRTY minutes while we waited for RSA. But I know had I taken a chance I would have broke down on the highway which would have been scary! But glory be to God that we made to a safe location, we were both praying to make it to the gas station, this showed me that God does give you what you need, however I was not specific in my need I didn't ask to get to a station with diesel!! We kept our sense of humor & were able to laugh about it! I didn't get home until 7:30p so I had a very short evening with Sadie but at least I got to spend some time with her before bed time! I love my sweet girl!


1 comment:

The Johnson Family said...

Geez that stinks you have to drive all the way to Richardson. Are you guys in Bowie now, or still in Fort Worth?