Thursday, May 27, 2010

Colts Birth story 11-8-09

I was looking back over my post & realised I never did tell the story of my sweet baby Colt's birth, sooooo long overdue here goes. I remember I was well overdue being ready to have him and thought every week for the last 3 that was going to be the week. So the Wednesday before my due date (Nov. 4th) I was due to go in for my 40 week appointment when the midwives office called me to let me know we would need to move to another day since the midwife was sick...well I had been having contractions that morning but was going to wait until we got to the office to talk about them, so I mentioned it when they called. She called the midwife that was at the hospital (there are 4 in our office) and they wanted me to come in. after being on the monitors for a while they said yes I was definitely having contractions & they were about 3 minutes apart but they were not strong enough. She said I was probably in early labor & had two choices 1) she could break my water & we could have baby Colt within 24 hours or 2) I could go home & wait it out. After talking it over with Jim-Britt we decided it would be best to wait him out...we didn't want to chance an un-necessary c-section due to my body not being ready to go. After a couple days (Friday) I decided he was not coming anytime soon I was just going to carry on as if I would be pregnant the rest of my life LOL! Well D day comes I went to get my hair done & did a little shopping...I also realised I hadn't yet taken a picture in the dress my mom had worn with me so I also did that & am sooo glad I did.

At the end of the day we were just hanging out at home and around 8:30 I noticed my contractions were coming on again so I decided to take a warm shower to see if that would help them stop...well it didn't. I realized I was in labor about 30 minutes later when Sadie asked me for a drink & I could not even stand to walk to the fridge to get her water and WOWZER they would not stop...I had to stay leaned over the couch to ease them up...I told Jim-Britt to call my mom to meet us at the hospital & called the midwife to let them know I was coming in & was so relieved that Brenda was the one there (she delivered Sadie too) we arrived at the hospital about 10:45p & I was dilated to a 5!!
I was stoked already half way there! They asked me then if I was going to want an epidural & I said I would wait...
Prior to that they were asking me questions I could not even answer due to the pain but to get the epi I had to sign the papers.

By 12:00p it was in & I was feeling great.

The labor process was Much shorter & easier this time around.
Our good friend Vanessa took picture the whole time (even being 7 months pregnant herself) she was up with me all night & we tried to let Jim-Britt rest but since we were busy chatting he really couldn't. LOL I was so excited I couldn't sleep. THANK YOU AGAIN VANESSA!!

I must at this point add that I have the best husband & labor coach, the nurses even commented on how great he was with my 22 hour labor with Sadie so this 10 hour labor was much easier for him...I love & appreciate him so much for his tenderness. \
After being up off and on all night when the urge came to push I tried to stay calm while waiting for the nurse to come back in. It had been a very long night & I was ready to get the show on the road, in addition to fearing my midwife would be getting relieved before this baby came (her shift ends at 7am). Well the nurse was supposed to come in at 6:15a & check me but she didn't come and boy was I getting anxious, Vanessa laughed & said I was really about to have that baby because my attitude was sure changing from happy to irritated she wasn't coming. Well 6:45a comes & she comes in....I was at a TEN WOOHOO!! Time to push once Brenda got there....I asked her if Jim-Britt should get his gloves on (they let him help catch both our kids) she said no there was time but quickly changed her mind after the first push....she said it was not going to take long at all & she was right 2 more pushes & he was out!!!

Big sister had been waiting all night along with Grandma, Grandpa & G's. Mimi & Aunt Sissy drove in from Lubbock in time to be there before he was born. Sadie stayed up all night except for a 45 min nap around 2:30a I would say she was excited...
So baby Colt was born November 8, 2009 7:15am 9 lbs 9 oz 20.5inches long. When he was born he had swallowed amniotic fluid & they had to get it out of his lungs. After we sent time together as a family (about an hour) where Sadie was able to enjoy her bubba

We had our family that was waiting come back & see the newest member, there were lots of pictures taken & hugs to go around. While everyone was visiting they had taken my blood pressure & it was a little high so they went ahead & took Colt to the nursery & kept me in L&D to be observed while I rested to make sure it would go back they told everyone they had to go so I could rest, so everyone went up to watch Colt's first bath

& to my shock his first bottle with formula!

I was upset when I got the call they were giving it to him, I wanted him to exclusively breastfeed & was worried that would interfere. Later the pediatrician on call came down to talk to me, he was so sweet & told me Colts blood sugar was pretty low & they had to give him formula to help it come to a normal level. After talking with him I was much more calm he assured me it would not affect his nursing & e was right. After resting & being apart from my baby far longer than I wanted (4 hours) I was beyond ready to see him & hold him again. So I was very excited when the midwife said I could go to my room after a little nap that was very hard to get started..LOL. All in all after 10 hours of waiting for him to arrive it was over & I had my sweet baby boy! He is such a precious part of our family & I am blessed to be his Mommy. That was a a day I will always cherish! I hope you enjoy the pictures & video as much as I enjoy looking back on them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an amazing day!!!! I'm so glad I got to be a part of it. You are truly blessed, Andreannie!!

Aunt Sissy :)