Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's begining to look a LOT like Christmas

My mom & I took the kiddos to see Santa today. It went exactly like I thought it would: Colt was very content & Sadie was so sweet saying hi & waving but when I went to place her on his lap she developed a death grip on my shirt & I had to pull her off me. I am not however one of those parents that will continue to torture my child durring this moment of fear until they calm down & smile, or at least stop screaming, I advised the lady before we even started if she starts crying just take the picture...don't try to make her happy just snap it. They were just as pleased with that option and did exactly is what we got enjoy!!

1 comment:

mom/grandma said...

looks as if santa is almost as thrilled as sadie. at least he's not crying, ha.